In the News - 2008

Prof. Rogers invited to serve on the Editorial Advisory Board of Advanced Materials
December 2008.

Bendy Chips
Nano Magazine, December 2008.

Cellule Solaire Souple
La Recherche, December 2008.

Qing Cao receives the MRS Silver Medal Student Award for his work on carbon nanotube thin film transistors and integrated circuits
December 2008.

Prof. Rogers elected as Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
December 2008.

Article on Stretchable Electronics Featured on the Cover of PNAS
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, December 2, 2008.

Pop Up Electronics
In This Issue Highlight, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, December 2, 2008.

Rogers Selected as NSSEFF Fellow
UIUC College of Engineering, November 25, 2008.

Researchers Make New Electronics With a Twist
Printed Electronics World, November 25, 2008.

Electronics With a Twist
Scientific American, November 25, 2008.

Amerikanen Buigen en Rekken CMos
Bits and Chips, November 25, 2008.

Does It Feel Good When I Twist Your Circuits
The Register, November 21, 2008.

Researchers Make New Electronics -- With a Twist
Science News, November 19, 2008.

Researchers Make New Electronics -- With a Twist
Science Daily, November 19, 2008.

Researchers Make New Electronics With a Twist
Red Orbit, November 20, 2008.

Electronics That Twist
Nanowerk, November 20, 2008.

Flexible Electronics for Medical Sensors
Medical News, November 19, 2008.

Making Electronics With a Twist
India Times, November 19, 2008.

Researchers Make New Electronics -- With a Twist
Cellular News, November 19, 2008.

Researchers Make New Electronics -- With a Twist, November 19, 2008.

Solar-Power Breakthrough
CHannel 3, WSIL, November 11, 2008.

Electronic Eye 
MIT's Technology Review (print edition), November, 2008.

Les Cellules Solaires Gagnent En Souplesse 
Science & Vie, November, 2008.

Elektronisches Auge
Bild der Wissenschaft, November, 2008.

Solar Cells on Curtains
News and Views, Nature Materials, November, 2008.

Article "Ultrathin Silicon Solar Microcells for Semitransparent, Mechanically Flexible and Microconcentrator Module Designs" featured on the cover of Nature Materials
November 2008.

Rounding Out a New Way to Make An Artificial Eye
Photonics Spectra, October, 2008.

Foldable and Stretchable Circuits: Teaching Silicon New Tricks
American Ceramics Society Bulletin, September, 2008.

Illinois Opens Window on Transparent Solar Cells, October, 2008.

Une Camera Copie l'oeil humain
Science and Vie, October, 2008.

Novel Synthesis and Processing Methods Enable Flexible, Transparent and Cheaper Solar Cells
Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences, October 10, 2008.

'Stamp' method brings bendy, transparent solar cells
Physics World, October 9, 2008.

The ultra-thin solar cells that could generate power through windows
Daily Mail, October 6, 2008.

Scientists Develop Solar Cells With A Twist
IT News, October 6, 2008.

Solar Power With a Twist
Red Orbit, October 6, 2008.

Solar Cells Use Old Material in New Way
Energy and Efficiency News, October 6, 2008.

Scientists Develop Solar Cells With A Twist
China Daily, October 7, 2008.

Researchers Make Efficient Silicon Solar Cell
The Independent Online, October 7, 2008.

Solar Cells With A Twist
The Globe and Mail, October 7, 2008.

Solar Cells So Thin
The Straits Times, October 7, 2008.

Flexible ICs: The Technology Evolves
EE Times, October 6, 2008.

Process Prints Flexible Silicon Solar Cells
Energy and Research News, October 6, 2008.

Materials Science: Solar Cells Go Round the Bend
Nature, News and Views, October 9, 2008.

Flexible Silicon Solar Cells
MIT's Technology Review, October 5, 2008.

Shrunken Cells New Kind of Thin Film PV
ecoGeek, October 5, 2008.

Scientists Develop Solar Cells With a Twist
Reuters, October 5, 2008.

University of Illinois researchers develop ultra-thin photovoltaic solar cells
First Bell ASEE, October 7 2008.

New Flexibility With Thin Solar Cells,
The New York Times, Science Times, October 7 2008.

Oeil Electronique,
La Recherche, October 2008.

Eye-Catching Photographs,
NANO Magazine, August 2008.

Article "Stretch -- Flexible Circuits Could Lead to Bendable Sensors for Many Apps" by Sunny Bains, featured on the cover of EE Times
October 2008.

EE Times, October 2008.

Nanonet circuits hold promise for flexible electronics,
Nanomaterials, Sept 16, 2008.

A Spherical Camera Sensor,
The Future of Things, Sept 23, 2008.

Article "Defect Tolerance and Nanomechanics in Transistors that Use Semiconductor Nanomaterials and Ultrathin Dielectrics" featured on the cover of Advanced Functional Materials
September 2008.

It's No Stretch to See UI Scientist is Man to Watch,
News-Gazette, Sept 1, 2008.

Stretchable silicon camera next step to artificial retina,
Inside Illinois, August, 2008.

The shape of things to come,
National Science Foundation Press Release and Videos, August, 2008.

This Camera Is Like an Eye,
US News and World Report, August 17, 2008.

Silicon Camera Goes Curvilinear,, August 7, 2008.

Stretchable Silicon Camera Next Step To Artificial Retina,
Science Daily, August 7, 2008.

Cutting-edge camera may become first 'bionic eye',
The Independent, August 7, 2008.

Curved electronics could yield eye-like digital camera,
LiveScience, August 8, 2008.

Stretchable silicon eye camera created,
United Press International, August 6, 2008.

Bionic eye heralds cyborg revolution,
The Telegraph, August 8, 2008.

A spherical camera sensor,
MIT’s Technology Review, August 6, 2008.

How to make an electronic eye, step one: the retina,
Scientific American, August 6, 2008.

Eye spy: U.S. scientists develop eye-shaped camera,
Reuters, August 6, 2008.

Scientists take one step closer to creation of Bionic Eye,
The Tech Herald, August 8, 2008.

Artificial eyeball does away with distorted images,
New Scientist, August 6, 2008.

Eye spy: Scientists develop eye-shaped camera. Device could improve digital cameras — and maybe even lead to bionic eye,
MSNBC, August 6, 2008.

Stretchable Silicon Camera Next Step To Artificial Retina,
Innovations Report, August 7, 2008.

Illinois engineers design curved, eye-shaped camera,
First Bell ASEE, August 7, 2008.

Eye-Shaped Camera Promises Distortion-Free Pics,
The Discovery Channel, August 6, 2008.

World's first eye-shaped camera created,
Courier Mail, August 7, 2008.

Scientists mimic eye with curved electronic camera,
CBC, August 6, 2008.

Elastic electronics see better,
BBC, August 6, 2008.

Eye Spy: U.S. Scientists Develop Eye-Shaped Camera,
ABC News, August 6, 2008.

New Camera Mimics Design of Human Eye,
Sci-Tech Today, August 6, 2008.

Human Eye a Model for Camera,
Chicago Tribune, August 7, 2008.

Curved Electronic Eye Created,
Nature News, Nature, August 6, 2008.

Electronic Eyeballs,
News and Views, Nature, August 6, 2008.

Article "A Hemispherical Electronic Eye Camera Based on Compressible Silicon Optoelectronics" featured on the cover of Nature
August 2008.

Flexible Circuits from Carbon Nanotubes,
Chemical and Engineering News, July 28, 2008.

Bendy, Stretchy Electronics,
SC Magazine, July/August 2008.

Flexible Display Flaw Fixed,, July 2008.

Flexible CNT Circuits Move On,, July 2008.

'Nanonet' circuits closer to making flexible electronics reality,
Small Times, July 2008.

'Nanonet' circuits closer to making flexible electronics reality,
Small Times, July 2008.

'Nanonet' circuits closer to making flexible electronics reality,
Semiconductor Online, July 2008.

'Nanonet' circuits closer to making flexible electronics reality,
Science Daily, July 2008.

'Nanonet' technology may soon make for flexible electronics,
Newstrackindia, July 2008.

'Nanonet' circuits closer to making flexible electronics reality,
Nano Werk, July 2008.

'Nanonet' technology may soon make for flexible electronics,, July 2008.

Printed Circuits on Plastic Sheets Are Closer to Reality Thanks to Carbon Nanotube Breakthrough,, July 2008.

Carbon nanotubes used to form fast, flexible circuitry,
Ars Technica, July 2008.

Nanotube mesh boosts plastic electronics,
Chemistry World, July 2008.

'Nanonet' circuits closer to making flexible electronics reality,
Printed Electronics World, July 2008.

Nanotechnology builds flexible electronic circuits from random networks of carbon nanotubes,
Foresight Institute, July 2008.

Researchers Advance CNT-based Networks,
Semiconductor International, July 2008.

Bendable Nanotube Circuits,
Technology Review, July 2008.

Circuit Imprime Souple,
Les Recherches, July 2008.

Bendy Chips,
Wired Magazine, June 2008.

Stretchable Silicon,
Popular Mechanics, June 2008.

SPR Imaging With White Light,
Chemical and Engineering News, June 2008.

Nanomembranes Get Tough,
Chemistry World, June 2008.

One Molecule Thick Nanotechnology Membranes Take Shape,
NanoWerk, June 2008.

Nanoribbons Lead to Bendable Circuits,
Nano Research, May 2008.

Honey, I Shrunk the World,
IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, May 2008.

Buigbaar Silicium,
De Ingenieur, April 2008.

Prof. Rogers Elected as Senior Member of the IEEE
May 2008.

Process Makes Silicon Circuits That Can Fold, Bend and Stretch,
EDN, May 2008.

Foldable and Stretchable Circuits,
Nano Times, May 2008.

Flexible Circuits,
Backscatter, Physics Today, May 2008.

Prof. Rogers selected as the first holder of the Lee J. Flory - Founder Chair in Engineering Innovation
April 2008.

Bend Me, Stretch Me,
This Week Highlight, Science, April 2008.

Silicon Stretches Into Shape,
Nanomaterials News, April 2008.

e-jet printing has variety of uses,
University of Illinois Annual Report, April 2008.

Foldable and Stretchable Silicon Circuits Conform to Many Shapes,
Inside Illinois, April 2008.

Foldable and Stretchable Silicon Circuits Conform to Many Shapes,
Photonics Online, April 2008.

Bendy Electronics,
Nature, April 2008.

UI Makes Flexible Electronics,
Daily Illini, April 2008.

Stretchy Circuits Promise Elastic Gadgets,
New Scientist, March 2008.

Flexible Circuit Boards in Development,
Printed Circuit Design and Fab, April 2008.

Boffins Build Flexible Chips: Stretchy Silicon On the Way,
VNU Net, March 2008.

Strange World, Really Smart Clothes,
The Scotsman, March 2008.

Stretchy Circuit Possibilities,
The Press Association, March 2008.

A Novel Form of Silicon Integrated Circuit Can Wrap Around Complex Shapes,
Science Centric, March 2008.

Rubber Like Silicon Chips?,
EFY Times, March 2008.

Foldable and Stretchable, Silicon Circuits Conform to Many Shapes,
Science Daily, March 31 2008.

Simon Dunham Selected as Winner of NSF and NDSEG Graduate Fellowships
March 2008.

Silicon Circuits that Fold and Stretch,
Chemical and Engineering News, March 31 2008.

Stretchy Silicon Means Unbreakable Circuit Boards Are Not Far,
ITPro Portal, March 2008.

Foldable, Stretchable Circuits,
MIT's Technology Review Magazine, March 2008.

Elasticated electronics tip up: Bend me, shape me,
Inquirer, March 2008.

Electronic Circuits That Bend and Stretch,
IEEE Spectrum, March 2008.

Silicon Chips Stretch Into Shape,
BBC News, March 2008.

Silicon Circuits Do the Twist,
Chemistry World, March 2008.

Tuning in to the Possibilities of Nanotube Transistors,
The Guardian, UK, March 2008.

Qing Cao Selected as the Winner of the ISTC2008 Best Student Paper Award competition
March 2008.

Silicon Slivers for Flexible Circuits: Printing CMOS on Plastic,
IEEE Spectrum, March 2008.

Article "Nanostructured Plasmonic Sensors" featured on the cover of Chemical Reviews
February 2008.

Carbon nanotubes have a sound future in the electronics industry,
Printed Electronics World, February 2008.

Prof. Rogers elected to the inaugural class of Fellows of the Materials Research Society
February 2008.

New transistor radio shows capability of nanotube technology,
Inside Illinois, February 2008.

Northrop Grumman And University Of Illinois Researchers Make History With All-Carbon Nanotube Radio,
AVReview, February 2008.

“A Radio Revolution: Carbon RF Electronics,”
Prof. Rogers interviewed by NPR Science Friday with Ira Flatow, February 2008.

Northrop Grumman And University Of Illinois Researchers Make History With All-Carbon Nanotube Radio,
Photonics Online, January 2008.

Tuning in to Nanotube Radio,
MIT Technology Review, January 2008.

Radio in the Palm of Your Hand, Try on the Head of a Pin,
The News Gazette, January 2008.

Northrop Grumman and University of Illinois Researchers Make History With All-Carbon Nanotube Radio,
CNN, January 2008.

Researchers make tiny radio from nanotubes,
Scientific American, January 2008.

Nanotube Radios Could Outperform Silicon,
PC Magazine, January 2008.

Researchers make tiny radio from nanotubes,
MSNBC, January 2008.

Northrop Grumman and University of Illinois Researchers Make History With All-Carbon Nanotube Radio,
CNN, January 2008.

Boffins tune in carbon nanotube radio,
IT Week, London, January 2008.

Boffins tune in carbon nanotube radio,
Computing, London, January 2008.

Boffins make tiny radio from nanotubes,
Brisbane Times, Australia, January 2008.

US boffins tune into carbon nanotube radio,
The Register, London, January 2008.

Microscopic radio hints at future of wireless comms,
ZDNet Australia, January 2008.

Nano-transistor radio developed,
The Christian Science Monitor, January 2008.

Nano-transistor radio developed,
United Press International, January 2008.

Researchers Make Tiny Radio From Nanotubes,
The Washington Post, January 2008.

Researchers make tiny radio from nanotubes,
The Independent Online, South Africa, January 2008.

Boffins make tiny radio from nanotubes,
The Age, Australia, January 2008.

Nanotube Technology, Nanotube Transistor Radios,
Technology News Daily, January 2008.

New kind of transistor radios shows capability of nanotube technology,
Science Centric, Bulgaria, January 2008.

Researchers make tiny radio from nanotubes,
Reuters, January 2008.

New kind of transistor radios shows capability of nanotube technology,, Netherlands, January 2008.

US researchers make tiny radio from nanotubes,
New Zealand Herald, January 2008.

New kind of transistor radios shows capability of nanotube technology,
Nanowerk News, January 2008.

New kind of transistor radios shows capability of nanotube technology,
Nanotechnology Now, January 2008.

Nano-transistor radio developed,, Chisinau, Moldova, January 2008.

New kind of transistor radios shows capability of nanotube technology,
Innovations Report, Germany, January 2008.

Scientists create sand-grain-sized radio,
CBC, Canada, January 2008.

Boffins make tiny radio from nanotubes,
Sydney Morning Herald, January 2008.

Nano-radios Move On,
NanotechWeb, January 2008.

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