In the News - 2013

"The Coolest Science of 2013" Editors at the Smithsonian select transient electronics as the coolest science of 2013, December, 2013.

"2013 Editors Choice" Editors at Nature select Rogers group research on digital 'fly's eye' cameras as one of the top ten stories of 2013
Nature, December, 2013.

Prof. Rogers is elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.
December 10, 2013.

"100 Top Stories of 2013" Wireless, Cellular-Scale Injectable Optoelectronics for the Brain Cited as One of the Top 100 Scientific Developoments of 2013
Discover, January/February, 2013.

"The Body Electric" K. Tingley writes a feature piece in The New Yorker on Prof. Rogers
The New Yorker, December, 2013.

Prof. Rogers receives the Smithsonian Award for American Ingenuity in the Physical Sciences, for 2013.
November 20, 2013.

"Warp Factor" A. Sabar writes a feature piece in the Smithsonian Magazine on Prof. Rogers
Smithsonian Magazine, December, 2013.

Prof. Rogers receives an Honoris Causa Doctorate from the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) at the 2013 Magistrale event in Lausanne.
October 5, 2013.

Many news agencies highlight our work on epidermal devices for thermal characterization of the skin, published in Nature Materials.
Discovery News, Physorg, Qmed and others, September 20, 2013.

"Flexible Electronics: Sophisticated Skin" Prof. S. Bauer writes a News and Views commentary on our 'epidermal' technologies for high precision measurements of the thermal properties of the skin
Nature Materials, September, 2013.

"Painting with Block Copolymers" Prof. R. Register writes a News and Views commentary on our approach to nanolithography based on combined use of 'top down' patterning with electrohydrodynamic jets and 'bottom up' self-assembly with block copolymers
Nature Nanotechnology, September, 2013.

"Tech on the Brain" cover feature profile piece on Rogers group research
Discover Magazine, September, 2013.

Professor Rogers named a permanent member of the Center for Advanced Study at University of Illinois, the highest form of academic recongition that can be bestowed on a member of the faculty
University of Illinois, July, 2013.

"Fantastic Voyage," profile piece on Rogers group research
Illinois Alumni Magazine, Summer, 2013.

NewsFocus piece "The Cyborg Era Begins," by R. Service describes recent research in bio-integrated electronics
Science, June 12, 2013.

Professor Rogers selected to receive the Robert Henry Thurston Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), May 3, 2013.

Many news agencies highlight our work on RF transient electronics, published in Advanced Materials.
BBC News, Wired, Drudge Report and others, May 24, 2013.

"Seeing the World Through An Insect's Eyes" Borst and Plett write a News and Views piece in Nature that highlights our work on fly's eye cameras, originally published in Nature
Nature, May, 2013.

Hundreds of news agencies highlight our work on bug eye cameras, published in Nature.
NPR, Discover, BBC News, MIT Technology Review, IEEE Spectrum, Slate and many others, May 6, 2013.

Many news agencies highlight our work on cellular-scale, injectable optoelectronics devices with applications in optogenetics, published in Science.
MIT Technology Review, IEEE Spectrum, Wired, BBC News, Wall Street Journal and many others, April 12, 2013.

Beckman Institute Alumni Profile on Dr. Matt Meitl
Beckman Institute, February 2013.

Many news agencies highlight our work on stretchable, rechargable lithium ion batteries, published in Nature Communications.
Popular Science, CBS News, NBC News, BBC News, PC Magazine and many others, February 28, 2013.

Several news agencies highlight our latest work on epidermal electronics, published in Advanced Materials.
MIT's Technology Review Magazine, Discover and others, February 28, 2013.

Several news agencies highlight our work on tunable micro-optics that use shape memory polymers, published in Advanced Functional Materials.
Nanowerk, Materials 360 and others, February 28, 2013.

Professor Rogers selected to receive the Mid-Career Researcher Award from the Materials Research Society.
Materials Research Society, January 29, 2013.

Epidermal electronics and impact monitors featured at CES, with a picture of NFL quarterback Matt Hasselbeck (Packers, Seahawks, Titans and Colts; Superbowl 2006, three time Pro Bowl selection) wearing the devices.
Boston Globe, January 9, 2013.

At CES Staying Healthy the High Tech Way

feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article feature article profile article newsfocus on bio-integration sports monitors, hasselbeck smart flesh feature TR10 selection plastic electronics cover laser focus world cover ee times cover compound semiconductor MIT tech review PC1 small times technology review 10 emerging technologies NSF materials today micro nanoeye 6 technologies to change the world science nanoplasm